Bureau of Incomplete Statistics
Behind this door is:-
"The Fairy Bureau Of Incomplete Statistics."
When hearing that his premises would be featured in this study the chairman of the company was delighted and issued the following statement " 6 out of every 10 fairies.... "

The noise was by no means loud but sufficient to suggest something unseen lurked beyond the bluebells. Arwen drew her sword and stepped carefully along the ivy-strewn path.
"Who is there?" she challenged, her hidden adversary gave no answer.

The Great Southern Mire
The fairy realm is thus bordered by a vast swamp known as "The Great Southern Mire." Few dare to venture within its domain but there are however fairy rangers who, in daylight hours, will guide the bravest of travelers through the outer reaches of this treacherous lowland. Only the foolhardy would consider traversing the mire at night.